Edit email text

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Emails can be sent to all Partners/Other members from the ‘Users/Partners’ module. The function can be used to send passwords to Partners/Other Members or for general email correspondence. See Send username and password to Partners and Other members (collective and individual) for a more detailed explanation,

The email text can be edited using the ‘Edit email text’ option. As well as standard text, it is also possible to enter the following tags:

{user name} the name of the Partner/user in question will be entered automatically.

{password} the Partner/user’s password will be entered automatically.

The system replaces the tags with the corresponding information when the email is sent.

Note! This email should not be confused with the invitation email to enter figures: a separate functionality used solely to invite Partners to enter their data. For more information about this functionality, see: Send invitations to Partners (collective and individual).

Used in Users/Partners (Account Administrators) and Manage Users/Partners (Barometer Administrators)

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