Add new Partners and their users

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Add Partner

Select ‘Partners’ in the left-hand menu followed by ‘Add new Partner’.

The following fields can be entered:

Name     : Name of the Partner. The name of the Partner may only be entered once in the system.
Active   : Tick the box. A Partner is usually active, but may be deactivated in certain circumstances. For example, if a museum or attraction is closed for extended period of time (at least 1 year) 
           or is closed permanently. This means that the data remains in the system, but that the Partner no longer appears in invitation lists and so forth.
URL      : Link to the Partner’s website. Note! The URL needs to be complete, including ‘http://’ at the beginning.

Click on ‘Save’ after entering the data for the Partner.

Link Partner to modules

After a new Partner has been added and saved, it can be linked to one or more modules. Select the required module under 'Add module', then click ‘add’. The name of the module will be displayed on the top of the screen.


After saving, you can also upload a logo image file. File names may only contain letters and numbers; special characters are not permitted. JPG, GIF and PNG file formats can be used.

To remove the logo, click the image by the logo. A new screen will open asking for confirmation to remove the logo.

Create users for a Partner

After a new Partner has been added and saved, users can be created for the Partner. To do this, find the Partner in the system and click on the ‘Show users’ link. The ‘Add new user’ link on this screen is used to add a new user for the Partner in question.

The following fields can be entered:

Name                              : Name of the user. 
Telephone                         : Telephone number (not mandatory, but handy in order to be able to call).
E-mail                            : Email address (necessary for sending out the reminders). 
Notify by e-mail?                 : Tick (this must be activated if the user receives the monthly reminder and for sending the log-in details). 
User name/Gebruikersnaam          : This must be unique.
Password/Wachtwoord               : Automatically filled in by the Barometer.
Validity start- and end date      : Only filled in when the user has access to Barometer for a limited time.

After saving, you are offered the option to send the log-in details and/or the monthly invitation for entering the data.

Linking several partners to one user

If a user is responsible for entering data for multiple Partners (e.g. multiple museums), exists the possibility to link this user to all these partners. See Linking several Partners to one user for more information.

Used in Create/edit/delete Partners or Other members

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