Send username and password to Partners and Other members (collective and individual)
To send collective invitations:
The module can be started directly from the ‘Welcome’ screen of the account management section or by selecting 'User/Partners' in the module selection on top of the page. Select 'Send credentials to members' in the menu on the left-hand side of the screen. This starts the module for adding, editing or deleting partners and other members.
A list is generated of the all the members that will receive an email to allow for confirmation that all required members are in the list.
Clicking on the ‘Send (000 x) invitations’ button sends the collective invitations. The ‘000’ is a variable number indicating the total number of invitations that will be sent.
To send individual invitations:
When editing Partners or Other members (see Create/edit/delete Partners or Other members) there is the option to send the user their user name and password. Note: ensure that the ‘notify by e-mail?’ box is checked, so the user will receive the mail.
Used in Users/Partners (Account Administrators) and Manage Users/Partners (Barometer Administrators)
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